Turn Fear Into Power - Build a Life You Love

Turn Fear Into Power - Build a Life You Love

Join me In a Zoom Session to experience PSYCH-K®, a simple yet powerful method to reprogram your subconscious mind

Session Pricing

90-Minute PSYCH-K® Session - $150


Many of us run on subconscious programming 95% of the time. Things we learned as kids. Statements made by our parents, teachers, news commentators and critics. One of the reasons I dislike watching ice skating on television, is because the announcers set us up to expect failure. They continue to talk during the performance, about all the times the skater failed doing that upcoming spin, jump or triple axel. I don’t want to hear that. I want to watch them skate to the beautiful music without the constant reference to upcoming failure. For those athletes, and for most of us, it’s a matter of the deeply rooted beliefs that run our lives, day in and day out.

PSYCH-K® is a fast, effective spiritual process where we can reprogram our subconscious mind and change limiting beliefs. We can pinpoint the negative belief that is most paralyzing using muscle testing and we can change that belief using specific techniques for whole brain integration. Our cells are literally reprogrammed when both sides of the brain are connected as we contemplate a new belief. Then, we are able to transform negative. disempowering perceptions, phobias and traumas on a subconscious level, in a matter of minutes.  No need to relive past traumas. No endless hours of talking. No pain or suffering. Just fast, clear and effective results.

It has changed my life. I have totally eliminated my fear of heights, and it has helped with my fear of flying, enough to help me get on an airplane for the first time in 19 years. Click here for more.