Live TV Interview the week of 9/11/2001

Live TV Interview the week of 9/11/2001

With the help of PSYCH-K®, I overcame my fear of being a panelist on a live television talk show, the week after the terrible events of 9-11-2001.  It was an emotional time for the country. The topic of the program was love and forgiveness at a time when most people were seething with anger and wanting revenge. I had memories of being on that same live TV talk show several months before and experiencing the rudeness of callers. That time the topic was about being vegetarian. This time, it was about killing, hatred, and war – a perfect environment for callers to be upset and attack. While I was waiting to be fitted for my microphone, I sat on the side lines in whole brain posture (before the camera started rolling). I chose two belief statements that I wanted to totally believe: I am willing to take the risks necessary to speak openly and honestly and, I speak clearly and confidently to others. Once the dialogue began, my fear went away, and I was calm and collected. Words flowed freely from me, the other panelists and the callers. The atmosphere changed from one of tension and anger, to one of peace. It was the best and most memorable interview of my life.  It really was remarkable to watch, and I wish now that I had asked the TV station for a copy of the video.