Eliminate Negative Self-Talk

Eliminate Negative Self-Talk

I wanted to stop saying negative things about myself. I had a habit of doing that and it was pointed out to me on several occasions. So, I came up with a new belief statement: “I only make positive comments about myself when alone, or with others.” I got into whole brain posture while contemplating that new belief, and remained in that position for several minutes, until I felt a shift. The next day, I’m sitting in the dentist office exam room, waiting for the dental assistant, while watching a show on TV, that I did not like. I started to say something negative about it. The thought literally changed mid-sentence and the negative idea could not even take form in my mind. It was as if something stopped me from saying it and I could not even remember what I was about to say. What a gift ! – and it’s still working several months later. All of those negative comments that I used to say about myself, just disappeared and I don’t even think that way anymore!

girl in thought